Our Visionary Artist

The Melvins

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The Melvins, an American rock band formed in Montesano, Washington, have been pioneers of the underground music scene for over three decades. Founded by Buzz Osborne (aka King Buzzo) and drummer Dale Crover, their unique blend of sludge metal, punk rock, and experimental noise has earned them a devoted cult following. With a relentless work ethic and an uncompromising approach to their craft, The Melvins have released a vast discography that showcases their raw power and sonic exploration. Their innovative sound and influential style have garnered them critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase around the globe. Notably, The Melvins hold the Guinness World Record for the fastest tour of the United States by a band, completing a grueling 51-show trek in just 51 days, demonstrating their enduring stamina and commitment to their art. Whether pulverizing eardrums with their thunderous riffs or delving into atmospheric sonic landscapes, The Melvins continue to push the boundaries of heavy music and leave an indelible mark on the world of rock.

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